- Permainan Mobile Legend atau ML semakin populer karena dinilai sebagai sebuah game taktis dan praktis yang bisa dimainkan di mana saja. Tidak sedikit kemudian yang mencari nama squad ML keren untuk digunakan. Di sini, deretan nama squad ML keren bisa Anda dapatkan sesuai selera.
Nama Squad ML Keren
Tanpa banyak basa-basi, cermati beberapa opsi nama squad ML keren yang ada di bawah ini.
1. Infinite Man. IFM
2. One Handed, ONE
3. Time Bomb, TOB
4. Mama Nova, MNV
5. Silence Lamb, SLL
6. Venom Force, VNF
Baca Juga: Tiga Caleg Artis Ini Tak Penuhi Panggilan Bawaslu Jakpus soal Kasus Gibran Bagi-bagi Susu di CFD
7. Blood Diamond, BLD
8. Misery Business, MBS
9. Symphony of Life, SoL
10. Tearjerker, TKJ
11. Vengeance Spirit, VGS
12. Rumbling Thunder, RBT
13. Total Annihilation, TTA
14. Unknown Champions, UCS
15. Faceless Team, FCT
16. Quartz Mine, QRM
17. Shinigami Ops, SNO
18. Death Flower, DTF
19. Hell Incoming, HLI
20. Dunker Squad, DKS
21. Rocket Racoon, RRC
22. Cagey Larks, CGK
23. Step Eagle, STE
24. Sturdy Jackals, STJ
25. Static Young, STY
26. Calm Donkey, CLD
27. Amuck Cranes, AMC
28. Walking Dead, WLD
29. Great Pandas, GRP
30. Perfect is Shit, PiS
31. Incandescent Cougars, INC
32. Grieving Elks, GRE
33. Barbarian of the North, BoN
34. Amazing Lullaby, AZL
35. Easy Lemon, EZL
36. Beneficial Axel, BNA
37. Black Rabbit, BLR
38. The Tense Cats, TTC
39. The Truman Syllable, TTS
40. Industrial Techno Colt, ITC
41. Demonic Squad Asylum, DSA
42. Dark Legionnaire, DLC
43. Dark Sun Rising, DRS
44. Bomber Assasination, BBA
45. Big Bomb Waitress, BBW
46. Brass Knuckles Monkey, BKM
47. Bloody Extermination, BLE
48. Terminator Urgency, TMU
49. Undefined Fire Force, UFF
50. Fire Nation, FRN
51. Ice Cold Coffee, ICC
52. Hurricane Nova, HRN
53. Legendary Oldman, LGO
54. Retired Mafia, RTM
55. Master of Disguise, MoD
56. Chainsaw Worker, CNW
57. Disastrous Limited, DLT
58. Peaky Blinder Limited, PBL
59. Defense of Ancient, DoA
60. Celestial Emperor, CLE
61. Sand Storm, SSR
62. ThunderBolt Legion, TBL
63. Trouble Maker Agent, TMA
64. Scary Dimension, SCD
65. Monster Hunter Petra, MHP
66. Money Over All, MOA
67. Jeep Panther Ortega, JPO
68. Degeneres Prestige Organization, DPO
69. Diminishing of England, DoP
70. Everything Else Loser, EEL
71. Win Over Things, WOT
72. Unity Defence Taylor, UDT
73. Wonderkind Community, WKC
74. Magnuson Fergie Ops, MFO
75. Beast Killer, BSK
76. Yellow Byon Bunny, YBB
77. Fix It Felix, FIF
78. Dark Overwhelming Odds, DOO
79. Golden Scarab, GLS
80. Give Me Trouble, GMT
81. Win Over Training Agency, WOTA
82. Magnum Saber, MGS
83. Sonic Ultra Instinct, SUI
84. Valkyrie Light Spear, VLS
85. Wild Tactical Hero, WTH
86. Wings Aviation Tendencies, WAT
87. Aphrodite Ingenuity, API
88. Cannoneer Mercenary, CNM
89. Honored Paradox, HPX
90. Pure Helix Counter, PHC
91. Assasinate of Sniper, AoS
92. Sinner Killer Faker, SKF
93. Dragon King, DRK
94. Spade of Darkness, SoD
95. Hard Cyclone, HDC
96. Headhunter Platoon, HHP
97. Sweet Head Prodigy, SHP
98. Over the Kill, OtK
99. Ops Dungeon Party, ODP
100. Gregarious Flammable Quirks, GFQ
101. Quick Response Unit, QRU
102. Wild Tactical, WT
103. The White Skulls, TWS
104. The Braves, TB
105. Strong Guy Ascendants, SGA
106. Zeus God Procs, ZGP
107. Dark Widow, DW
108. Killer of Imbalance, KoI
109. Solar Pots Smoke, SPS
110. Hallowgarde, HWG
111. Hunters Society, HNS
112. Red Plague, RPG
113. Harmony of Ending, HoE
114. Ravenbrawlers, RVB
115. Snowmantles, SNM
116. Iron Fox Echo, IFE
117. Jumpy Regiment, JMR
118. Crumbled Outlaws, CRO
119. Tears Vicious, TRV
120. Burningvale, BNV
121. Hummingflayers, HMF
122. Ingame Impatience, IGI
123. Few Good Man, FGM
124. Political Correct, PLC
125. Beer Presure, BRP
126. Artic White Fox, AWF
127. Lion’s Mane, LNM
128. Black Stallion, BLS
129. Proud Agenda, PRA
130. Cute Lil Rascals, CLR
131. Bubble Gun, BBG
132. Cold Winter, CLW
133. Angels Squad, AGS
134. Beast Master, BSM
135. Axe Kill Acts AKA
136. Black Shark, BLS
137. Blue Aphrodyte, BLA
138. Eternal Squad, ETS
139. Evil Is Not Evil, ENE
140. Exile King, EXK
141. Best Gunner, BGR
142. Functional Donkies, FUD
143. Bite-Sized Crabs, BSC
144. Lapis Lazuli, LZL
145. Death Flow, DTF
146. Hell Tax, HTX
147. Dunkler Ort, DKO
148. Overpower Saitama, OPS
149. Highest Altitude, HGA
150. Nigth Spender, NTS
151. Praise Us Lord, PUL
152. Reverse Flame, RVF
153. Lowprofile Criminal, LPC
154. Sting, STG
155. Godkiller Armour, GKA
156. Greedy Bastard, GDB
157. Everyone Angry, EOA
158. Presumptous, PST
159. Three Totem, T3T
160. With Nine Monkeys, WNM
161. Ruiner of Game, RoG
162. Fixer Absolute, FAL
163. So Boring, SBR
164. Dead End, DED
165. Time Bomb, TOB
166. Shaft Ecologycal, SAE
167. Swear My Lord, SML
168. Last Hope Kitchen, LHK
169. Lowcost Extreme, LCE
170. Baby Boss, BBB
171. Wonder Troops Annihilation, WTA
172. Unity, UNT
173. Aomori Wat’s, AMW
174. Hanshin Tigers, HST
175. Kumamoto Volters, KMV
176. Toyoda Gorosei, TYG
177. Bar Flies, BFS
178. Cute Face Tone, CFT
179. My One Wish, MOW
180. Cuddling Cougars, CDC
181. Mile High Heels, MHH
182. Supernova, SPN
183. Bad Ace Regiment, BAR
184. Dark Road Country, DRC
185. Deep Sea Salt, DSS
186. Many Money Moony, MMM
187. Gloomy Evil, GLE
188. Tyrfing, TYR
189. Small Generous Evil, SGE
190. Undertaker, UDT
191. Bigfood Mama, BGF
192. El Dorado, EDR
193. Gungnir Spear, GS
194. Helheim Realm, HR
195. Nimfadoras, NFD
196. Deusira, DSR
197. Manly Men, MNM
198. The Crew, TC
199. Mongolian Black People, MBP
200. All of Us, AoU
201. Societas Aliance, SCA
202. The Yummy Winners, TYW
203. Tree of a Kind, ToK
Itu tadi sekilas 200+ nama squad ML keren yang bisa Anda gunakan, semoga berguna!
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