4. Perintah Suara pada Google Now
Berikut ini perintah-perintah suara umum yang dikenali oleh Google Now. Kamu bisa menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia juga kalo mau, cukup terjemahkan Bahasa Inggris berikut ke Bahasa Indonesia.
- "Search for [chicken recipes]?"
- "Say [where is the supermarket] in [Jakarta]?"
- "What is [Schrodinger’s cat]?"
- "Who invented [the internet]?"
- "What is the meaning of [life]?"
- "Who is married to [Paul walker]?"
- "Stock price of [Apple]"
- "What is [Apple] trading at?"
- "Author of [Game of Thrones]"
- "How old is [Cameron Diaz]?"
- "Where was [Cameron Diaz] born?"
- "Show me pictures of [the Sistine Chapel]"
- "Post to Google+ [feeling great]"
- "Post to Twitter [feeling lame]"
Notes, Reminders, & Calendar
- "Remind me to [buy milk] at [5 PM]"
- "Remind me [when I get / next time I'm at] [home / work / other location] [to send an email to John]"
- "Wake me up in [5 hours]"
- "Note to self: [I parked my car in section D]"
- "Set alarm for [8 PM]"
- "Set a timer for [40 minutes]"
- "Wake me up in [3 hours]"
- "Create a calendar event: [Party with Friends] [Sunday at 9 PM]"
- "When’s my [next meeting]?"
- "What is my schedule for [tomorrow]?"
- "Open [WhatsApp]"
- "Launch [Calendar]"
- "Take a [photo / picture / selfie]"
- "Record a video"
Time & Date
- "What time is it in [Tokyo]?"
- "When is the sunset [in Chicago (optional)]"
- "What is the time zone of [Berlin]"
- "Time at home"
- "Create a calendar event: [Dinner in New York] [Saturday at 8 PM]"
- "Call [Fahmi]"
- "Call [the African Art Museum]
- "Call [mom, dad, brother, sister]
- "Send [email] to Daniel, [Subject: Meeting], [Message: Will be there in 5]"
- "Send [SMS] to [Jaka mobile], [don’t forget to buy milk]"
- "[Contact name]"
- "Find [Mary’s] [phone number / email / address]"
- "Listen to voicemail"
- "When is [Mary’s] birthday?"
- "Send [WhatsApp/Viber/WeChat] message to [Paul], [hey, how are you]"
- "Weather"
- "Do I need an umbrella today?"
- "What's the weather like?"
- "Is it going to rain [tomorrow / Monday]"
- "What’s the weather in [Boston]?"
- "How’s the weather in [Portland] on [Wednesday] going to be?"
Maps & Navigation
- "Map of [Bali]"
- "Where's my hotel?"
- "Where is the [Golden Gate Bridge]?"
- "Find the "Golden Gate Bridge"
- "Show me the nearby [restaurant] on map"
- "Navigate to [Bandung] on car"
- "How far is [Bandung] from [Jakarta]?"
- "Directions to [address / business name / other destination]"
- "What are some attractions in [Florence]"
- "Show me the menu for [Gio Vanese]"
Conversions & Calculations
- "What is the tip for [125] dollars?"
- "Convert [currency / length ...] to [currency / length ...]"
- "How much is [18] times [48]?"
- "What is [45] percent of [350]?"
- "Square root of [81]"
- "[arithmetic expression] equals"