- Hari Ayah Nasional diperingati setiap tanggal 12 November sebagai penghargaan pada ayah atas kasih sayang mereka untuk keluarga. Berikut 15 ucapan Hari Ayah Nasional dalam bahasa Inggris yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber.
Sejarah Hari Ayah Nasional cukup unik karena muncul secara spontan setelah peserta Sayembara Menulis Surat untuk Ibu bertanya, kapan diadakan sayembara yang sama untuk ayah.
Kala itu tahun 2004, Perkumpulan Putra Ibu Pertiwi (PPIP) yang mengadakan Sayembara Menulis Surat untuk Ibu menampung ide itu lalu memutuskan tanggal 12 November sebagai Hari Ayah Nasional.
Sebuah buku berjudul 'Kenangan untuk Ayah' yang berisi 100 surat hasil seleksi Sayembara Menulis Surat untuk Ayah diluncurkan dalam peringatan Hari Ayah Nasional pertama di Maumere.
Baca Juga: 20 Twibbon Hari Ayah Nasional, Pasang di Facebook, Instagram, dan WhatsApp
Karena perbedaan latar belakang, cara anak-anak merayakan Hari Ayah Sedunia dengan Hari Ayah Nasional sedikit berbeda. Perayaan di Indonesia kerap diisi dengan kegiatan seru untuk mempererat hubungan antara ayah dan anak.
Sementara di belahan dunia yang lain, anak-anak perempuan akan memberikan bunga mawar pada ayah mereka setelah kebaktian di gereja.
Bunga mawar merah diberikan pada ayah yang masih hidup sedangkan mawar putih digunakan sebagai apresiasi anak-anak pada sosok ayah yang telah meninggal.
15 Ucapan Hari Ayah Nasional
1. Blessed are the ones who have a father and fortunate are the ones who have a father like you. Dear Dad , I have no words to thank you for being the most loving and most affectionate father. Happy Father’s Day.
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2. I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren’t trying to teach us. we are formed by the little scraps of wisdoms.
3. You carried me in your arms when I was little and held my hand while I was growing up.
4. Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you dad because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right.
5. There will always be a few people who have the courage to love what is untamed inside us. One of those men is my father.
6. No matter how small you were, when Dad said, “I love you,” you’d feel bigger than the sky.
7. Being a father isn’t always clear skies and smooth sailing. But every bit of the journey, the ups and downs and in-betweens, makes it an even more meaningful adventure.
8. A father’s faith is his family’s guiding light.
9. God couldn’t be everywhere, so he invented Dads to handle leaky pipes and weird noises.
10. A dad has arms to lift high, a heart to love, shoulders to support, a smile to reassure, a hand of blessing to send you out into the world, and a warm embrace to welcome you back home.
11. A dad prays for strength to protect his family, wisdom to guide them, and humility to learn as he goes.
12. And so god created dads so that there would forever be bedtime-story-readers and cover-tuckers, shoulder-carriers at parades and star-pointers on clear nights, bike-riding coaches and driving instructors, love-providers, and proud protectors. And he saw that it was good.
13. A daughter may outgrow your lap, but will never outgrow your heart.
14. Dad hugs are strong hugs that can say so many things, like “I’ve got you. I’m always right here. And I’ll always love you.
15. There is no teacher equal to a mother and there's nothing more contagious than the dignity of a father.
Itulah 15 ucapan Hari Ayah Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa kalian pasang di sosial media atau sebagai story di WA.
Kontributor : Rima Suliastini