15 Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bagikan ke Media Sosial

Jum'at, 07 Oktober 2022 | 19:27 WIB
15 Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bagikan ke Media Sosial
15 ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad dalam Bahasa Inggris. (PIxabay/bouassa)
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6. The Prophets Birthday is a light in the darkness of the ummah. May the Prophet Muhammad and all muslims in the world always in God’s blessing.

7. May He Never Let Us Stray From His Path and From His Valuable Sunnah for a Moment, Maulid an Nabi SAW.

8. Here wishing the wondefull deeds of the Prophet teach and inspire you to make your life more amazing. Happy Maulid Al-Nabi!

9. Today we celebrate as Rasulullah SAW born. He’s our last prophet, our role, our guider and helper to Jannah. Happy Maulid Al-Nabi.

10. I Wish You and Your Family Happy and Blessed Milad Al Nabi.

11. Happy Maulid Al-Nabi SAW. The joy has come with the birth of the guide of the straight path.

12. The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad can be used as a moment to increase love, prioritize truth and strengthen tolerance. Happy Maulid Al-Nabi for you and family.

13. Happy Birthday of the Prophet! Let's make the moment of commemorating the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW to imitate noble character.

14. Joy has shine brightly from the birth of the role model of the Prophet. Happy Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW!

Baca Juga: Contoh Teks Pidato Maulid Nabi 2022 untuk Acara Peringatan Lahirnya Nabi Muhammad SAW

15. Happy Maulid Al-Nabi. With this celebration of the Prophet's Birthday, let's imitate the morals of the Prophet in everyday in our life.