DA (n. pl. -S) dad
DUBSTEP (n. pl. -S) a type of electronic dance music
FRENEMY (n. pl. -MIES) one who pretends to be a friend but is actually an enemy
FUNPLEX (n. pl. -ES) a building with facilities for sports and games
GEOCACHE (n. pl. –CACHED, -CACHING, -CACHES) to search for hidden items by using a Global Positioning System device as part of a game
GI (n. pl. -S) a white garment worn in martial arts
HASHTAG (n. pl. -S) a word or phrase preceded by the symbol # that categorizes the accompanying text
JOCKDOM (n. pl. -S) the world of athletes
JOYPAD (n. pl. -S) a device with buttons to control computer images
MIXTAPE (n. pl. -S) a compilation of songs recorded from various sources