45 Ucapan Hari Natal 2024 Bahasa Inggris untuk Orang Terdekat

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Minggu, 15 Desember 2024 | 09:05 WIB
45 Ucapan Hari Natal 2024 Bahasa Inggris untuk Orang Terdekat
Ilustrasi ucapan Hari Natal 2024 Bahasa Inggris (Freepik)
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Suara.com - Perayaan Natal 2024 sebentar lagi akan tiba. Salah satu cara untuk merayakannya bisa dengan membagikan ucapan selamat. Nah, berikut ini 45 ucapan Hari Natal 2024 Bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan referensi.

Diketahui bahwa perayaan Hari Natal jatuh setiap tanggal 25 Desember. Pada momen Natal ini, selalu berdoa ke gereja, biasanya orang-orang juga membagikan ucapan selamat Natal di media sosial.

Nah bagi yang masih bingung dan butuh inspirasi ucapan Natal Bahasa Inggris, berikut 45 ucapan Hari Natal 2024 Bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan referensi untuk dibagikan di media sosial.

45 Ucapan Hari Natal 2024 Bahasa Inggris

1. "Merry Christmas 2024! May this year's Christmas bring lots of happiness."

2. "Merry Christmas! Stay happy and don't be sad."

3. "May this year's Christmas bring us all blessings from God. Merry Christmas 2024!"

4. "Merry Christmas 2024! Have a great gathering with your beloved family."

5. "Merry Christmas for those celebrating! Stay healthy and happy."

Baca Juga: 35 Ucapan Natal 2024 dan Tahun Baru 2025 Bahasa Santai dan Kekinian

6. "Merry Christmas to all. May peace and prosperity always be with us."

7. "Merry Christmas December 25, 2024! Let's let go of sadness and welcome happiness."

8. "Merry Christmas. May this year's Christmas all our dreams come true."

9. "May this year's Christmas be a happy and memorable moment. Merry Christmas 2024!"

10. "Merry Christmas! May this year's Christmas and the years to come be full of memories and beauty."

11. "Merry Christmas, honey! Stay by my side for the next Christmases."

12. "Merry Christmas! Don't be sad anymore."

13. "Merry Christmas 2024! May this year's Christmas bring many happy surprises."

14. "Merry Christmas! Let's welcome Christmas with joy."

15. "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for always being by my side."

16. "Merry Christmas! Keep being a good person and smile a lot."

17. "Merry Christmas! Let's be happy and let go of all sorrows."

18. "Merry Christmas 2024! May this year's Christmas and the years to come be filled with peace and happiness."

19. "Merry Christmas! Keep shining and enthusiastic."

20. "May we all get a lot of happiness on this Christmas moment. Merry Christmas 2024!"

21. "Merry Christmas! May you have the best!"

22. "Merry Christmas! May your heart be filled with peace and happiness."

23. "May you be my dream. Merry Christmas!"

24. "Merry Christmas 2024! May the magic of this season bring you moments of peace and happiness."

25. "The holidays are a time to restore lost spirits. Merry Christmas 2024!"

26. "Merry Christmas! May your heart be filled with love and your cup full of chocolate!"

27. "May your Christmas be a happy and memorable holiday. Merry Christmas."

28. "May the spirit of Christmas be with you always. Merry Christmas."

29. "Merry Christmas! May your holidays be filled with happiness!"

30. "Merry Christmas! May you have peace and joy!"

31. "May you have a wonderful and joyful Christmas. Merry Christmas"

32. "This Christmas, may you get all your wishes and have the best time of your life. Merry Christmas!"

33. "Merry Christmas! May you have lots of fun and a joyful year!

34. "May my Christmas and yours be memorable. Merry Christmas 2024!"

35. "The best part of this Christmas is making memories with your family and loved ones. Merry Christmas!"

36. "May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you throughout the year. Merry Christmas."

37. "I pray that you are always happy and healthy. Merry Christmas."

38. "May you have a happy Christmas. Merry Christmas 2024."

39. "May this Christmas season be filled with precious moments. Merry Christmas!"

40. "This Christmas, may you have a Christmas filled with beautiful memories. Merry Christmas!"

41. Merry Christmas! May your days always shine.

42. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! May your Christmas be filled with peace and joy.

43. Merry Christmas 2024! Keep the spirit!

44. Merry Christmas! May your days be joyful.

45. Merry Christmas! Live in peace and happiness.

Demikian informasi mengenai 45 ucapan Hari Natal 2024 Bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan referensi untuk dibagikan di media sosial atau story whatsapp.

Kontributor : Ulil Azmi