- Perayaan Natal 2022 tinggal menghitung hari. Sudah siapkan kata-kata untuk memberikan ucapan Selamat Natal dengan cara yang keren?
Terutama bila ingin dikirimkan kepada rekan kerja, termasuk bos di kantor. Mengucapkan kalimat Selamat Natal bisa juga disampaikan dengan bahasa Inggris.
Bila kamu masih bingung bagaimana kalimatnya, berikut rekomendasi dalam mengucapkan Selamat Natal dalam bahasa Inggris disesuaikan dengan kondisinya.
Ucapan paling populer tapi standar:
Baca Juga: 1.270 Polisi Bakal Jaga Ibadah Natal Di Jakarta Barat

1. Happy Christmas
2. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
3. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year
Ucapan sedikit formal:
4. Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year
Ucapan Natal yang netral dan cocok untuk semua agama:
5. Season’s Greetings
6. Holiday Greetings
7. Happy Holidays
8. Season’s Greetings and best wishes for the New Year
9. Holiday Greetings with all good wishes for the New Year
10. Greetings of the Season and Best Wishes for the New Year
11. Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year
12. Wishing you every happiness this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year
Baca Juga: Oponi Gus Dur Ini Kerap Muncul Saat Terjadi Kegaduhan Ucapan Selamat Natal dari Muslim ke Nasrani
Ucapan untuk rekan kerjasama bisnis:
13. Season’s Greetings from all of us at (nama perusahaan)
14. Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year
15. All of us at (nama perusahaan) join in sending season's greetings with good wishes for the New Year
16. In warm appreciation of our association during the past year, we wish you a Merry Christmas and every success in 2023
17. With thanks for our fruitful cooperation during the past year, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and look forward to continuing our joint success in the New Year
18. All of us at [name of company] join in saying “thank you” and wishing you a happy holiday and prosperous new year
19. With thanks for our successful partnership this year, we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and look forward to working with you in the New Year
20. In warm appreciation of all your hard work this year, we wish you a very happy and relaxing Christmas and look forward to working with you in 2023