9 Kalimat Bijak Kate Spade Paling Inspiratif dan Memorable

Kamis, 07 Juni 2018 | 20:20 WIB
9 Kalimat Bijak Kate Spade Paling Inspiratif dan Memorable
Kate Spade (shutterstock)
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4. Pentingnya fesyen
"I don't think that fashion is something people encourage in a lot of schools, but I think they should — it's all about personal expression." – The Cut

Baginya berpenampilan adalah tentang bagaimana cara setiap orang berekspresi, yang artinya setiap orang bebas menentukan gayanya sendiri karena itulah cara mereka berekspresi.

5. Inspirasi
"People always ask me, 'Where do you find inspiration?' and I think it's a difficult question to answer because – everywhere." – InStyle

Setiap ditanya dari mana inspirasinya dalam mendesain sesuatu, Kate Spade tak pernah tau secara spesifik. Ia bisa menemukan inspirasi dimana-mana.

6. Tentang relasi kerja
"The most fun thing that I do is working with friends and family. I would say the most challenging part is working with friends and family." – InStyle

Bekerja dengan teman dan keluarga adalah hal yang paling menyenangkan sekaligus menantang. Sebab menghadapi rekan kerja dari teman dan keluarga sendiri tidak mudah.

7. Mengelola uang
"We're a conservative company by nature. It's our personality – I come from the Midwest so the idea of recklessly spending money, even though it sounds like a lot of fun, isn't interesting to me." – CNBC

Ia mengaku bahwa perusahaannya boros dan sangat sembrono dalam mengelola uang, dia tidak suka cara itu.

8. Kesuksesan
"I think the details and the quality are so important that it has to have an emotional tug. Even if it's the simplest shoe, it has to have something that says, 'Oh, I have to have you." – CNBC

Kunci sukses Kate dalam berkarier dan berbisnis adalah memerhatikan hal-hal detil dan kualitas. Sekecil apa pun itu harus diperhatikan.