Lirik Lagu Something About December - Christina Perri

Kamis, 23 Desember 2021 | 19:41 WIB
Lirik Lagu Something About December - Christina Perri
Christina Perri (
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Salah satu lagu wajib di bulan Desember adalah lagu milik Christina Perri yang berjudul Something About December. Lagu yang dirilis di tahun 2013 ini selalu jadi lagu favorit di hari natal.

Christina Perri (
Christina Perri (

Ini dia lirik Something About December - Christina Perri.

Lights around the tree
Mama's whistling
Takes me back again
There's Something bout' December

We're hanging mistletoe
And hoping that it snows
I close my eyes and then
I can still remember
How to get back, home

Let all your memories
Hold you close
No matter where you are
You're not alone
Because the ones you love
Are never far
If Christmas is in your heart

Who really needs a gift
When love is meant to give
I can still recall
Carry with me always
Every Christmas dream
They live in you and me

Let all your memories
Hold you close
No matter where you are
You're not alone
Because the ones you love
Are never far
If Christmas is in your heart

Lights around the tree
Mama's whistling
Takes me back again
There's Something bout' December

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Let all your memories
Hold you close
No matter where you are
You're not alone
Because the ones you love
Are never far
If Christmas is in your heart