Desain Produksi Terbaik
Beauty and the Beast
Blade Runner 2049
Darkest Hour
The Shape of Water
Scoring Orisinal Terbaik
Phantom Thread
The Shape of Water
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Musik Orisinal Terbaik
Mighty River, Mudbound
Mystery of Love
Remember Me, Coco
Stand Up for Something, Marshall
This Is Me, The Greatest Showman
Tata Rias dan Tata Rambut Terbaik
Darkest Hour
Victoria and Abdul
Desain Kostum Terbaik
Baca Juga: Pernikahan Vicky dan Angel Lelga Telan Rp5 M, Mayoritas Di-endors
Beauty and the Beast
Darkest Hour
Phantom Thread
The Shape of Water
Victoria and Abdul