- Artis Marshanda mengomentari penangkapan pengacara senior OC Kaligis oleh lembaga Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Rabu (14/7/2015). Hal ini disampaikan Caca-begitu dia akrab disapa, lewat Instagram.
Sebagai bentuk dukungannya, Caca memajang fotonya bersama OC Kaligis beserta putrinya, artis Velove Vexia. Caca menyebut Kaligis orang kuat yang siap menghadapi kondisi seberat apapun.
Dalam pesannya, Caca terkesan mencurigai ada orang berkuasa dan uang dibalik penangkapan Kaligis.
Berikut curhat lengkap Caca:
"We are all falling down. Yes, we are.
But let's all remember... Among all of us, Pak OC is the one who is the STRONGEST. All of his life, he is prepared for this obstacle. He is ready.
Even the word "obstacle" is an understatement here. But, there wouldn't be a catastrophy this big for the people who does not have a big heart, big love, huge intention, and limitless driving force towards making a better change in the world's justice such as Om OC's.
We may cry and break down because we are afraid and we do not want any horrible thing to happen. But, in there... GOD is with him.
And none of us.. is as strong as The Ultimate Savior that is God.
Let's not go through all of this with worry and sadness, my friend. We can surf through this tide with bravery and huge faith. That justice and truth will conquer every thick skin this country sees as "powerful". Cos true power isn't built of lies.. Rather it is built of love and true intention of helping the people in need and making the real actions.
And that is the Om OC that we all know. That everyone knows. Orang-orang yang "berkuasa" menggunakan JUDUL JABATAN, UANG, dan PUBLISITAS kalah kok sama Allah.
Kita semua nggak takut. Biasanya, orang yang paling berusaha menghancurkan orang lain, sesungguhnya adalah orang yang PALING KETAKUTAN karena sadar mungkin banyak orang yang telah menyadari kesalahan & kebohongan mereka yang tidak mampu mereka akui dan hadapi dengan jantan.